Stem the tide of low sales by
weaponising the words
on your sales pages

Sales Page [Noun]:

Like a landing page, but different from a home page. Designed with the sole intent of converting a visitor into a customer. Typically used for one offer at a time, longer in length to really hammer home your solution to someone’s problem.

The #1 issue with Sales Pages these days is people think they’ve written this world-class promo and it’s gunna sell their product like mad. Then they launch it and … it bombs.

Now you end up in a wicked waltzer going round in circles trying to figure out how to make this thing work.

But… imagine getting it right … wait for it … on the first go!

With the copy sounding exactly how you want it — no fixes, perfect tone of voice, zero mess.

“Is this even possible?” you question.

It can be. And because my Copywriting Trifecta Process dives deeper into your business than the crew of Blue Planet do the ocean … I’ll uncover everything I need to write a mind-bending, seductive sales page that makes people step with intention to buy.

Here’s how it works:

  1. We hop on a call so you can fill me in on the deets about the page. Then, I send an invoice and a link for you to give me more in-depth details about your brand, customers, and all the stuff I need to get writing. [Simple stuff, but powerful]

  2. Next I review what you send back, then audit your current page [if you have one] before offering up my views on what ways we can improve. You look through my suggestions then give the green light for me to rewrite and deliver your spanking new copy.

  3. This part usually includes some audible disbelief and profanity on your part like: “Holy Sh*t! You’ve smashed this!” I smile smugly, we roll out the copy and monitor it for a few weeks to make sure it’s exactly what the doctor ordered. Normally we see a lovely bump in conversions and then I hang my keyboard up for another while. Neat, huh?

It’ll be the amuse-bouche, teasing prospects before the main course … your product/service.

Want to get those looky-loo’s buying?

Just click, gimme your contact info, then I’ll send you over a Google Doc detailing some ballpark prices and my process to help you decide if we’re a snug fit.