Declaring war on your copy

“It’s good, but it isn’t quite right…”

Typically the feeling many of us have when it comes to how we write about our business or offer.

It’s not that what you’ve written is wildly off, it’s just that … somethings missing … and its hard to pinpoint what and how to fix it.

So, you’re left with copy that is the epitome of “okay.”

You don’t hate it, but you’re not particularly buzzing out of your mind either. And, if you’re like other successful business owners, you’ll send it live and leave it because you’ve more “important” things to worry about and can’t devote time to fixing words on a page.

Well, I’m declaring WAR on that attitude because …

1) you’re leaving money on the table by not leveraging the power of your words

2) when you half-ass your messaging you typically end up sounding like everyone else. (The very thing I started This Is Copy to destroy.)

And I’m sticking to my guns.  Hence why I’ve devised a workaround. One that not only saves you the dread of reviewing your copy yourself, but also keeps a few extra pennies in your pocket.

What is this workaround you ask?

Why its …

This Is Copy’s

Copy Commentary™

Here’s how it works. You hire me to:

  • Review your existing copy and research

  • Come up with a plan for HOW I would redo the copy — but I don’t actually do it

  • Record a video explaining the plan which you can then hire me to implement or, take it to another writer to action.

“But once I have the plan, can’t I just do the work myself?”

I mean, you could but … do you really want to?

You might. I dunno. And you can if that’s what you prefer.

But know that hiring a pro writer means you have someone with relevant experience in your arsenal, someone who can provide distance and a fresh perspective to point out any pitfalls in your copy.

This is some of the stuff I keep an eagle-eye out for in these reviews:

  • Any major errors — grammar, fact-checks etc

  • The “grab-ability” of your copy — does it draw the reader in?

  • The structure of your copy — does it flow well?

  • Have you done enough research, do we need to do more?

Of course, I look into a lot more but that should give you some insight into how we go about this.

Now it may sound like you’re hiring me simply to judge the life out of your copy. Which essentially … you are.

But here’s why it works:

  • It’s not just a critique but a PLAN that materially moves you towards your goal.

  • It’s a great deal. You get a pro sifting through your copy, telling you how to improve it. Then you
    get to make the decision to hire them, or hire someone cheaper and get them to do the ‘grunt work.’ Or, DIY.

  • It saves you time and mental space from worrying about your messaging.

  • You get the blueprint within 48 hours.

  • It gives your copy a second-wind and fast.

I want to reiterate that this is NOT a rewriting offer. It’s simply me looking at your copy, picking it apart and offering suggestions on what I would do to improve it. I WON’T write a single word.

But I WILL give you the roadmap to better copy. It’s up to you to decide what happens after that.

Ready to pay me to do no writing at all but ultimately make your copy much, much better?